Scanfree on target to deliver golden Financial Services solution

DaylightAT have been shortlisted for an exciting opportunity in London’s financial services sector. Financial Service remains the largest industry in London, and over the years DaylightAT have been fortunate enough to be involved in a few projects in the City....

PaperVision Capture Code: Find Duplicates in Batch

DaylightAT develops PaperVision Capture Code and Custom Functions for End-users and Service Providers. A few DaylightAT clients run very large batches through their PaperVision Capture stations. In some cases they’re running PaperVision Capture Automated Import...

Digitech User Meeting and Ongoing Projects

It’s been some time, but at last DesignWall released an update that allows their ‘Page’ theme to support a blog. To be fair to them, they released it a number of weeks back, but I’ve only gotten around to updating it. So we begin again with the...
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